Saturday, June 7, 2008

Minutes - July 2007



82 as per attendance register.

Margaret Smith, Stuart and Carol McKay, Terry Levene, Richard Poulton, Ken Monckton, Morgan Pillay, Margaret Flowers.

DECEASED: We are saddened by the fatal heart attack suffered by Rolf Lorenz of Harburg and Jack has conveyed the Club’s condolences to his widow Carmen and our gratitude for the generous bequest to us.

SHANE NEWMAN: Jack thanked Shane for conducting the last meeting and taking the minutes. The good news is that yesterday Jack’s oncologist had studied his blood tests and x-rays and that he no longer requires any further chemotherapy. Jack thanked the many members for their support by way of visits, phone calls and prayers. On behalf of the Club, Herman Davidson expressed his joy on hearing the good news and welcomed Jack back.

SNACKS etc: For the very first time, snacks in the form of biltong, dried wors, peanuts and chips were included at the meeting to supplement the free drinks. There has been a change in the catering staff and Deon is now in charge. Jack thanked Chris O’Flaherty for his donation of a large bottle of red wine.


Felt “not too well” and was referred to Dr. David Gilmer by his G.P. An angiogram revealed 2 blocked arteries which were bypassed 28 days ago. He is fine now. Ironically his wife Cissy has had two triple bypasses!
Showed no symptoms such as angina, breathlessness etc. but decided it was nevertheless time that he had an ECG. This was abnormal and he was referred to Dr. O’ Connell. Following an angiogram Rod had a triple bypass. Fully recovered.
Two years ago as he was leaving Kingsmead he suffered severe pain in his left arm which resulted from a blocked cardiac artery. This was bypassed and Hilton is back doing gym and watching his diet.
Always fit and a keen Health and Racquet gym member. Last year he thought the uneasy sensation in his chest was heartburn but as this persisted for 2 months he was referred to a cardiologist by his G.P and 3 blocked arteries were bypassed.
Peter’s problems arose from the 2 silent killer’s viz. high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Suffered chest pain whilst gardening and was diagnosed by Dr. David Gilmer as 3 blockages. These were bypassed successfully

Westville: As always Shane has been very busy and submitted a detailed report in which he highlighted
the reaction of certain of the 20 patients whom he visited. Entabeni: Chris O’Flaherty has stood in for Jack
and stressed the importance of seeing patients before and not only after surgery. St Augustine’s: No report
was forthcoming Jack will follow up.

Once again the raffle was very well supported with a record of R229 being realised. (This will more than
cover this evening’s snacks!) The whisky was won by Shane Newman who generously donated it to our
quest speaker which brings us to the highlight of the evening.

MR. ROBBIE KLEINLOOG: “Was critical” of being invited again but had to admit that the attendance was flattering with “standing room only” even with extra seating being provided. Robbie decided to show us a CD Rom of a heart valve replacement but the equipment which he brought could not operate satisfactorily and so he switch it off and decided on a questions and answers session instead. This proved more than satisfactory and the following subjects were discussed:.
Heart Valves: There are 2 main valves; the mitral valve between the heart chambers and the aortic valve
between the left ventricle and the aorta. This valve can be harvested from either specially bred and reared
pigs, or from synthetic materials or from stainless steel. The pros and cons for each were fully explained
and it was clear that the transplanted pig’s valves were the most favoured. (Quote: “However they don’t
breed special Kosher or Halaal Pigs!”) The symptoms of a faulty valve are lethargy and severe loss of
energy. The diameter of the aorta in an adult is 25 to 27 mms and the operation takes about 31/2 hours in
total. Although valves are foreign to the body, no rejection results due to there being no blood vessels.
Often blood thinning agents follow the operation and patients have to take Ecotrin or Warfarin which
prevents the stickiness and reduces the risk of blood clotting. Disprin does the same to a lesser degree.
Bypass Grafting: Before the internal mammary arteries were used, veins from the legs and sometimes
the arms were the only conduits used and these have not lasted as well. (There are exceptions and
venous grafting has been known to last for nearly 30 years). The reason is that arteries are able to take a
higher pressure as they are responsible for taking blood from the heart. Wheras veins take blood back
to the heart.
Key-Hole operations: are easily performed on organs such as gall bladders but not possible on a beating
heart. Even the mid-cab operation is losing favour and a full incision through the breast bone is much
The surgery in South Africa is as good as anywhere in the world.
Sternum Wires: There is at present no better way to join the 2 halves of the breast bone together after
bypass surgery. About 2% do give problems such as infection or coming apart. This invariably happens to
female patients where the bone density is lower than in males.
Pins and needles: Some patients complain of pins and needles in their legs. The reason is that it is more
likely to be a shortage of an element such as Magnesium, than the result of the removal of the leg veins.
Aorta Replacement: Because of there being no blood supply to the aorta, it can be replaced with a
synthetic material such as Dacron.
Mr. Kleinloog was thanked for his excellent address and the sentiment was expressed that the questions
and answers which took the place of the electronic presentation turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it
gave members the opportunity to clarify many problems which they have experienced.

Jack Piek

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