Sunday, June 11, 2006

Agenda July 2006


DATE Wednesday 5th July 2006

TIME 5.00 for 5.30 p.m.

VENUE Entabeni Conference Room

PARKING In grounds (car guards)

REFRESHMENTS Available at no charge from 4.45 to 5.30


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Testimonies from first timers
  4. Visitation reports

a) St Augustine’s – Doug Tomes & Ken Monckton

b) Westville – Les Bolt & Tony Ries

c) Entabeni – Chris O’Flaherty & Jack Piek

  1. Raffle Draw
  2. Membership & Finance
  3. Guest Speaker:

Mr. Del. Winter, (Thoracic & Heart Surgeon), compiled an outstanding Power Point Presentation for our March meeting and unfortunately the projector was unavailable. What we did see on his laptop was of such exceptional quality that he has agreed to make his presentation again by using the necessary electronic equipment. Something not to be missed but if you are unable to attend kindly let me know so that your apologies can be recorded.



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