PRESENT:Shane Newman (Chairman) Shirley Willet (Secretary)As per attendance register - 31 names recorded
1. OPENING AND WELCOMEThe chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed everybody, especially the newcomers & the guest speaker Ms Vanessa Wentink from the Organ Donor Foundation.Just as the meeting was in progress there was an electricity outage & unfortunately the committee room, was not linked to the hospital generator. The meeting was carried out by means of 5 touches which were handed out by the hospital, until the electricity was restored.
2. APOLOGIES: The following people had tendered their apologies:Neville & Sissy Farr, Tony & Barbara Thomas, Shirley Piek, Muriel Adams, Enid & Fiona Phillips, Tony Human, Fay Miller, Maria Brown, Sam Wallace, Loius Vechranges
3. TESTIMONIES FROM NEW VISITORSAlan Pather – Alan had been a road runner moist of his life, fit, had completed his Comrades and 6 years ago while on a run uphill & started having a bit of difficulty – started battling to even climb stairs. He underwent a stress test & an “angio” revealed that he had damaged arteries & was placed on medication to repair the damage – he gave up running. A year ago, while chairman of his running club, he woke up with “wind” – after 2 litres of Soda water, he collapsed at the doctors rooms. He is recovering well after his bypass & has started running again.· Colin Hall – Colin started having a difficult time firstly with what he thought was a “mossie” bite, which turned out to be a spider bite – within 3 hours he was placed on a drip & antibiotics. He then had a reaction to the antibiotics, suffered heart attack and received a bypass in March and 2 days later had a stroke. This man has made a remarkable recovery, after all this, in such a short space of time & the club wishes him all the very best in his recovery.· Sheldene Stuart –Sheldene had no history of cholesterol or any cardiac disease & was diagnosed with 2 “blockages” – the stents inserted failed & after receiving a bypass, developed pneumonia. She then developed fibrillation & a high pulse rate and after a lengthy stay in hospital, she has recovered well. Before writing these minutes, I (Chairman) was approached by Sheldene to assist as a “Heart to Heart” Counsellor for the Natal Bypass Club. Sheldene will be providing a service to the Umhlanga hospital – welcome Sheldene & many thanks for your willingness to assist those, who may need some encouragement & somebody to listen to either before their bypass or after, at Umhlanga.· Lynn Alborough – Lynn had his bypass 5 weeks ago & is recuperating well.We welcome & wish them good health.
4. GENERALThe following items were brought to the attention of all present :· Finance & Administrationo Treasurer’s report – § Shirley Piek had advised that the finances were still stable, with no major expenses. A R500 donation had been received from a member, who the chairman kept anonymous – thank you.§ Subs for 2009/10 to be please be paid to Shirley asapv Natal Bypass Club banking details – Account Name – Natal Bypass club, Standard Bank of SA, Branch code 042826, Account number 257360549o Administration § The Chairman requested members to update & check there particulars on the name list.· PACE Support Groupo The Chairman had received a letter of thanks for donation of R273 for Dr AO, who ran 84th out of 840 & who was 1st South African. PACE collected R18k to start a Patient Support Group Account. The club wishes them all the best.· Heart & Stroke Foundation o There was a Golf Day being arranged by the Heart & Stroke Foundation at the Mt Edgecomb Country Club on the 18th of August 2009 – any members interested could contact the foundation.o The Chairman mentioned that he still had a couple of the Heart Foundation Books available at R10 each.· Entabeni Catlab Cheese & Wine – the Chairman attended the 20th Anniversary of the Entabeni Catlab function on behalf of the club on the 29th of July. Various doctors gave speeches thanking the Catlab staff for their dedication & hard work over the years - it was encouraging to hear the various “stories” from speakers & to be able to promote the Natal Bypass Club amongst doctors & staff.· Natal Bypass Gym – please support the gym, which is held at the Old Mutual Sports Hall in Francois Road on Tuesdays & Thursday at 06:00 to 07:00 – speak to Dennis Graham if you are interested· Impilo drugs – The Chairman called on George Barnes to come forward & explain the latest wrt the getting of stock of the following tablets viz, Vitamen C, Antioxidant, & Spirulina. As had been mentioned at previou smeetings, there had been problems in getting these drugs from Impilo. George said that he had received quotations from Graham Ingle Consulting, Impilo Drugs & Health House, and the cheapest would be from Graham Ingle, with a minimum order of 300 units (100 tablets per unti) at R40 per unit. The chairman requested for a vote on whether, as mentioned that if the club was prepared, the club could pay for the tablets, which would be in the region of R12k, but as there were an insufficient number of members, who by show of hands, would be prepared & wanted to take the tablets, the chairman made a decision, based on the show of hands & after a lengthy debate, that no tablets would be purchased by the club. The matter of the “Impilo drugs” was considered closed & the club would no longer make them available.· Disprin/Asprin – An E-mail had been received by the Chairman from Janet Nicholson, regarding the taking of Asprin/Disprin should you have chest pains & a possible heart attack/Angina – dissolve 2 Disprin, remain clam, phone a family member or neighbor, take a seat on a chair or sofa, but try not to lie down & wait for help – it could save your life.· End of the Year luncheon – DCCThe chairman advised the members present that Shirley Piek had been advised by the Durban Country Club (DCC) that if the club wanted the luncheon, there would have to be a upfront payment of R1 000 and each member would pay R90 p.p. to attend. Shirley had tentatively book the Blue Waters at R109 per person. A vote was taken and the decision was that the members still wanted the luncheon at the DCC for the 29th of November 2009. The chairman will advise Shirley to do the booking.· Westville Hospital “Happy Hearts” walk – the chairman encouraged members to attend, which was held on the last Wednesday of every month at 17:30 & to meet at Mini Town, North Beach Promenade.
5. RAFFEL DRAWThe raffle, was won by Athol Willet.
GUEST SPEAKEROrgan Donor FoundationThe chairman introduced Ms Vanessa Wentlink who was the KZN representative for the Organ Donor Foundation in SA. Vanessa is the sister in charge of the Organ Transplant section at St Augustines hospital.Due to the unsettling of the electricity outage, etc it was decided that Vanessa would just speak on the Organ Donor Foundation & not show the presentation.The following is a summary of Vanessa’s presentation.Trauma Statistics – 2004o Durban 126,6 violent deaths per 100 000 popo JHB 114,2 violent deaths per 100 000 popo PTA 107,6 violent deaths per 100 000 popThere are 200 Traumatic Brain Injuries per 10 000 pop (80 000 new cases a year)Incidence of death due to cause:o Diabeteso HTNo Glomerulonephritiso Interstitial diseaseo Cystic / hereditary/congenitalo Tumoro Other knownOptions for Donor patientsThose patients with end stage Cardiac, Lung and Liver disease have no way to prolong life as do the renal failure patients and many will die on the waiting list. What is a Transplant?For the medical profession, it is a preferred, leading, cost-effective therapy for patients diagnosed with end-stage Organ Failure.For the patient, it is at least a gift of sight & at most a gift of life.Transplant Statisticso 5000 patients on solid organ transplant list nationallyo SAN waiting: 130 renal patientso 7 cardiac patientso Working up:60 patientso New patients: 5 every weekTypes of Transplants : Living Related Transplanto Cadaveric TransplantTwo donor options emerge:As a non heart beating donoro Option : Corneas, Skin, Bone, Heart Valves.As a heart beating, brain dead donoro Option: Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Liver, Pancreas,Corneas, Skin, Bone, Heart Valves.Common diagnoses leading to Brain Stem Death Diagnosis:The usual causes are: IC Haemorrhage (45%)Trauma (45%) Hypoxic-ischaemic brain damage (10%) The most common diagnosis of referrals, which have lead to brain stem death are:o Car crash head injury.o Gunshot head.o Cerebral bleed.o Stabbed neck.o Cerebral Aneurysmo Fall from a height or vehicle.o Near drowning.o Post prolonged CPR.o Overdose.o Primary cerebral tumor.o Status Asthmaticus.o Status Epilepticus.Organs that can be usedo Kidneys – up to 70 years. Transplant within 24 hourso Heart – up to 50 years. Transplant within 4 hourso Liver – up to 55 years. Transplant within 8 hourso Pancreas – up to 55 years. Transplant within 8 hourso Lungs – up to 50 years. Transplant within 6 hours o Small Intestine – up to 55 years. Transplanted within 6 hourso Tissue & Corneas – up to 70 years. Procedure of Organ Donationo ID potential donor o Referralo Brain death testingo Management of donoro Consent from familyo Consent from State Path.o Consent from hospitalProcedure before transplanto Theatre preparationo Procuremento Suitable recipiento Transportationo TransplantationExclusions from being a donor are:o HIV or AIDS.o Hepatitis B or C.o Septicaemia.o Younger than 18 mths or older than 70 y.o Major Burns.o Haemorragic Feverso Active STD’s.The chairman still has plenty of pamphlets & stickers on the Organ Donor Foundation which will be made available at meetings for those interested. Many thank, Vanessa for the circumstances of not having electricity, etc at the meeting & the time taken for you to come and chat to the members of the Natal Bypass Club.
NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting would be on Wednesday the 3rd of February 2010 at the Conference suite at the Entabeni Hospital at 17:00 for 17:30.Complimentary drinks and snacks will be available, to club members.Kindly note that the annual Christmas & End of Year function at Durban Country Club will be held on the 29th of November 2009. Kindly speak to Shirley Piek, should you wish to attend, as there will be a limited number of tables.Please support your club.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - to view.Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or – Natal Bypass Club……………………………………………………………..Date : …………………………..
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
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