Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Minutes - November 2008

PRESENT:Shane Newman (Chairman) Shirley Piek (Secretary/Treasurer)As per attendance register
1. OPENING AND WELCOMEThe chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed the guests from Allinad Marketing (Omron).
2. APOLOGIES: The following people had given their apologies:Ken Howles, AJ Kara, Basanth Bodasing, Carol McQuire, Dr Piet Schabort, Chris O Flathery, Dave Parry, Natie Klien.
3. TESTIMONIES FROM NEW VISITORSThere were no new first timers to the club.
4. IN ATTENDANCE:Ms Barbara Hahn (Representative - Allinad Marketing) & Frans Esbach (Manager Allinad Marketing – KZN).
5. VISITATION REPORTS5.1. St AugustinesThere was no representative to give a report.5.2. EntabeniChris O’Flaherty not present to report on anything. Chris had also handed in his resignation as coordinator due to other commitments. Thank you Chris for the commitment & work done for the club.5.3. WestvilleShane mentioned that he has not always been in the same position of making weekly visits to the hospital, due to work commitments and if there is anybody in the vicinity of Westville hospital who could assist, please contact Shane.5.4. St AnnesMr Basanth Bodasing was not present & therefore there is nothing recorded.5.5. Ethekweni Health & Heart Centre (EHHC)A co-coordinator needs to be appointed to fulfill the duties at the EHHC. Maria Brown (Jim’s wife) has volunteered to fill this position – thank you Maria.For the record, the chairman has had the following people come forward & shown interest to fill the hospital coordinator positions, which are currently vacant :· Stan Weinstein· Ken HowlesThanks guys for making the effort of coming forward to give back to the community, hospital staff & patients.
6. RAFFEL DRAWThe raffel, was won by Colin Burness.
7. GUEST SPEAKERSMs Barbara Hahn (Representative Allinad Marketing) & Frans Esbach (Manager Allinad Marketing – KZN), were introduced.Barbara thanked the club for the opportunity of allowing Allinad to speak to it’s members about the ECG monitor.Frans stated that as doctors base their diagnosis on facts, the ECG monitor is therefore able to assist doctors, as patients can now take their own readings of the heart, as the monitor is portable, reliable & can store all the data, which can then be download for the doctor & cardiologists to evaluate at the time of consultation or emergency. Frans went on to explain that as ECG tests can sometimes not pick up problems, for various reasons (time delay of change in enzymes in blood, etc) this hand held monitor can be used to monitor the patients heart activity, should their be complications or concern by the patient, prior to being tested by cardiologists or doctors.The device just needs to be placed over the area of the heart for approximately 30 seconds, to enable readings to be picked up of the hearts activities. The device can pick up the readings through clothing.There is a Nappi Code for the purchase of the device, should anybody be interested in approaching their medical aids, to assist.A copy of information on the HeartScan ECG Monitor is included.Should anybody be interested in any of the equipment by Allinad (Omron), the contact person is Barbara Hahn Cell 083 228 7093 or e-mail bhan@mweb.co.za
8. GENERALThe following are items which were discussed :· As the current chairman had filled the position on the bequeath of the late Mr Jack Piek, the members were requested to discuss & or vote for a new chairperson for 2009, onwards. The members requested that Shane Newman, continue to fill this position of Chairman, in the club. Shane accepted and thanked all present for their response.· Shane made a plea for any members who feel that they can contribute to the club, by way of being a committee member or assisting in any way that they please come forward to assist.· Ms Shirley Piek nominated Mrs Shirley Willett to be the secretary/member of the club committee. The nomination was accepted by all. · Ms Shirley Piek advised all that there had been a problem with the club’s banking account & that this would be sorted out with Standard Bank (Durban North branch). The account number is now as follows, with effect from the date of these minutes :Standard BankAccount number - 257360549Branch Name – Durban NorthBranch Code – 042826· The club subs for 2009 will be R40, and it is requested that all outstanding fees for 2008 and the fees for 2009 be paid into this account. The treasurer/secretary will update the clubs records, so as to indicate who has fees outstanding & to get a better feel of the club membership roll.· Shane advised that Julia Holley (Health Heart Manager of Unilever) had arranged for 100 free coupons for 2 x 250 g Flora Pro.activ tubs of margarine at any redeemable retail outlet or stockist. Those present were issued with the a coupon each. For all members who have not yet been given the coupons and whose names have not been registered on the list, will receive a coupon at the next Bypass Club meeting on the 5th of February 2008. So please be at the next meeting to collect your coupon or contact Shane, to make alternative arrangements. A letter will be addressed by the Natal Bypass Club to Unilever thanking them for this generous offer of two free tubs of Flora Pro.activ. · The Annual Christmas Luncheon was to be held at the Durban Country Club on the 23rd of November 2008 and tickets would cost R75 per person payable to Shirley Piek. In retrospect, there were 50 people who attend the luncheon and the afternoon enjoyed by all. Thanks to Shirley Piek for doing the arrangements.· The Life Westville Hospital Heart Centre’s “Favorite Heart Healthy Recipes” book is still available at R40 – please contact Shane.· Jim Brown, who had recently been over to the UK, had donated 4 issues of the British Heart Foundation Oct 2008 issue, to the Natal Bypass Club – many thanks Jim for your thoughts and kindness. There is an article, which Jim pointed out which would be of interest to partners, titled “Coping Together – Understanding Relationship Changes”. Should anybody wish to read the magazine or any of the existing clubs, books, which are limited, they can contact Shane. If any members have books or magazines, which they feel could benefit other members of the club, they can donated these books to the club’s library & can contact Shane.· The following will be the dates of the club meetings for 2009, which will continue to be at the Entabeni Hospital Conference Room at 17:00 for 17:30§ 4th of February 2009§ 1st of April 2009 (no joke!)§ 3rd of June 2009§ 5th of August 2009§ 7th of October 2009§ 2nd December 2009The last meeting in December 2009, could be combined with the Christmas luncheon, which will be on a Sunday, in either late November or early December 2009, so please note that the date could change.
9. NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting would be on Wednesday the 4th of February 2009 at the Executive Conference suite at the Entabeni Hospital at 17:00 for 17:30.Complimentary drinks and snacks will be available, to club members.The guest speaker will be Dr Kevin O’Connell who will give the members a talk on Erectile Dysfunction. Please try and be there as this affects both partners.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypass.blogspot.com/ to view.Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours)Chairman – Natal Bypass Club…………………………………………………………….. Date : …………………………..

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