Saturday, February 18, 2006

Agenda march 1st 2006


DATE Wednesday 1 March 2006

TIME 5.00 for 5.30 p.m.

VENUE Entabeni Conference Room

PARKING In grounds (car guards)

REFRESHMENTS Available at no charge from 5.00 to 5.30


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Testimonies from first timers
  4. Visitation reports

a) St Augustine’s – Doug Tomes & Ken Monckton

b) Westville Les Bolt

c) Entabeni – Chris O’Flaherty & Jack Piek

  1. Raffle Draw
  2. Membership & Finance - Jack Piek
  3. Guest Speaker: - Mr. J.D. Winter

Mr. Winter has been Mr. Robbie Kleinloog’s partner for 2 years so I thought that it was time that we met him. He accepted the invitation with alacrity and it will certainly be a privilege to be addressed by this cardio-thoracic surgeon. He qualified at the universities of Pretoria and Durban and “did his apprenticeship” at Wentworth as per so many of the doctors who have specialized in cardiology and who have spoken to us.

As this will be his first address to us please show him your appreciation by attending or, as usual apologies please to Jack on 031- 563 3200.



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