Saturday, February 18, 2006

Agenda march 1st 2006


DATE Wednesday 1 March 2006

TIME 5.00 for 5.30 p.m.

VENUE Entabeni Conference Room

PARKING In grounds (car guards)

REFRESHMENTS Available at no charge from 5.00 to 5.30


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Testimonies from first timers
  4. Visitation reports

a) St Augustine’s – Doug Tomes & Ken Monckton

b) Westville Les Bolt

c) Entabeni – Chris O’Flaherty & Jack Piek

  1. Raffle Draw
  2. Membership & Finance - Jack Piek
  3. Guest Speaker: - Mr. J.D. Winter

Mr. Winter has been Mr. Robbie Kleinloog’s partner for 2 years so I thought that it was time that we met him. He accepted the invitation with alacrity and it will certainly be a privilege to be addressed by this cardio-thoracic surgeon. He qualified at the universities of Pretoria and Durban and “did his apprenticeship” at Wentworth as per so many of the doctors who have specialized in cardiology and who have spoken to us.

As this will be his first address to us please show him your appreciation by attending or, as usual apologies please to Jack on 031- 563 3200.



Minutes January 2006



Although British Heart Foundation videos will replace the usual quest speaker, there was an excellent attendance of 65 as per register. Special welcome to Dave Parry from Port Shepstone and Colin and June Holloway from Hilton.


Stewart & Carol McKay, Gerd Ackerman, Chris O’Flaherty, Ken Monckton, Nathan Klein, Geoff Stuart.


COLIN HOLLOWAY (78): Suffered an angina attack whilst mowing the lawn and his doctor referred him to a cardiologist who found four partially blocked arteries. These were bypassed and Colin is fine now. Colin’s wife June (77): Suffered from angina for many years until ultimately the offending coronary arteries were bypassed but she now has very serious sleep Apnea and cannot sleep without the aid of a noisy machine which generates oxygen for her to breathe at night.

KEITH LAURENCE (60): Suffered stomach pains which were correctly diagnosed as a hiatus hernia which masked his heart condition. On walking on the beach he suffered a severe sharp chest pain. After a stress test by a cardiologist followed by an angiogram, Keith’s condition was correctly diagnosed and he had a triple bypass. He has difficulty sleeping on his side which could be the after effects of his recent gall bladder operation which he says was via keyhole surgery but nevertheless more painful than his bypass operation. His memory has also suffered particularly with individuals’ names.

PETER DEIGHTON (80): After losing his wife, he was single for 18 years before marrying Isla. She accompanied him to the Home Affairs Office in Pinetown when he suffered a severe chest pain and “Isla had to drag me across the road!” The pain recurred the next day and this affected his sight. An ambulance came to his rescue. His blood pressure was normal and he does not have diabetes. David Gilmer had previously fitted a pace maker and due to his recurring symptoms he visited David again and could only survive 30 seconds on a stress test. An angiogram followed and he had a double bypass and valve replacement. Absolutely fine now.

DAN MANICOM (60): Suffered 3 attacks aggravated by fluid on his lungs. He was reluctant to have surgery until a friend who was 8 years his senior told him how successful his operation was. Dan had his bypass surgery on the 30th November last year and is fine except from fluid retention in his lungs.

HEERA MAHARAJ (55): Suffered a heart attack in August last year which caused stabbing pains lasting for an hour. He was stabilized and transferred to a second hospital where his heart condition was diagnosed and he was put on medication. He walks long distances without pain but has resigned himself to having heart surgery particularly after listening to the successes reflected in this evenings “Testimonies from first timers”.


Counselling proceeding well at all three hospitals but Doug Tomes is still forbidden to visit the ppatients of cardiologist Y.T. Singh. This is most unfortunate as Doug is overheard talking to other patients and Dr Singh’s patients feel that they are being ignored.

5. RAFFLE: Won by Dan Manicom.


Opening Balance 8078, 63

Received During 2005:

Subs from 179 members 4475.00

Donations 1400.00

Raffles 967.00

Interest 129.70 6971.70


Less Costs:

Postage 2640.71

Refreshments 1545.61

Printing and Stationery 1518.93

Meetings Costs 815.30

Annual Luncheon 265.00 6785.55

CLOSING BALANCE 31st December 2005 R8264.78

As Les gave us a year’s notice, this was his final report. He was thanked and applauded for his outstanding dedication during the past 20 years and Jack has written a letter of thanks and included an honorarium as a token of our appreciation.

Jack has found a replacement to do the books but he will in future be responsible for receiving and banking subscriptions, donations etc.


Please post all subscriptions, donations etc to:

Natal Bypass Club

c/o Jack Piek,

14 Furn Ridge,

1 Burne Crescent,


Or deposit direct into Savings account and please use your name and initials as a reference.

Proof of payment to be faxed to Jack Piek - 031 563 3200

Natal Bypass Club

Standard Bank

Durban North Branch

Account No 257360549

Whilst on the subject of subscriptions it is apparent that there are a number of existing members who have ignored our appeal for their annual subs. As a result, these minutes will be the last that they will receive and future minutes will be posted only to paid up members. This decision was whole heartedly endorsed by this evening’s meeting.


To compound our woes, Geoff Stuart who has been responsible for these important services to our Club has also resigned. For thirteen years he has printed application cards, visiting cards and provided envelopes for the posting of applications. He has printed and posted all the minutes and all this he has done at cost. We owe Geoff an enormous vote of thanks and to this end Jack has written to him and enclosed and honorarium as a humble token of our sincere gratitude. Jack has managed to find the services of 2 non-members to continue this essential service.

8. BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION VIDEOS: A while ago, Jack requested a series of videos related to heart disease and this evening two of these were shown: “BETTER THAN BEFORE” covering in detail the symptoms, operations, side effects and total rehabilitation of several patients, and ‘ANGINA-THE FACTS” detailed the risk factors which cause angina, and the successful treatment thereof. The programmes were viewed with interest and it was suggested that the other videos should be screened when difficulty was experienced in finding a suitable guest speaker

9. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, March 1st 2006. Although this coincides with the date of the elections, the consensus of the members was that the meeting should proceed as planned.

10. DATES FOR FUTURE MEETING: Please diarize the following and note that the September meeting has been brought forward to August

May 3, July 5, AUGUST 23, and November 1.

Thank you

Jack Piek

(Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer!!)

Tel: 031-5633200