Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
General Press Release - Launch of Mended Hearts Support Group
General Press Release
Launch of Mended Hearts Support Group
A Mended Hearts support group, in collaboration between Life Healthcare and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa, is to be launched at Life Westville Hospital on Wednesday, March 23. The support group, which is to be held at the hospital every second month, will feature a variety of interesting and relevant cardiac topics. Everyone with an interest in cardiac well-being is welcome to attend. The support group will take place from 17h00 to 18h00.
The guest speaker on March 23 will be dietician Jennifer Eburne, who will discuss the importance of nutrition in the prevention of heart disease. A cooking demonstration illustrating the preparation of a healthy meal will be given by the hospital’s catering company, Royal Sechaba. Guests are invited to wear something red to promote health awareness and there will be lucky draws with prizes to be won.
Mended Hearts aims to give educational support and advice to survivors and their families. The HSFSA, in collaboration with Life Healthcare in KZN, will assist members through the recovery process by inviting speakers to forthcoming support groups meetings such as: cardiologists, occupational therapists, neurologists and dieticians. Topics will include: stroke prevention and recovery; managing high blood pressure and cholesterol; Learning CPR and how to handle medical emergencies; stress management; and living with diabetes.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa aims to create awareness of cardiovascular disease and make it known to the public that cardiovascular disease is a lifestyle disease which can affect people of all ages and backgrounds.
The support group is free of charge and everyone welcome. if you would like to book a seat or obtain more information, please contact Sr Rita Naidoo, unit manager of cardiac rehabilitation at Life Westville Hospital on (031) 251 6870 or (031) 251 6869 during office hours.
Issued by: Leanne Nyiri, Regional Marketing Manager: Life Healthcare KZN Region
Tel: (031) 313 7902 or email: leanne.nyiri@lifehealthcare.co.za
Launch of Mended Hearts Support Group
A Mended Hearts support group, in collaboration between Life Healthcare and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa, is to be launched at Life Westville Hospital on Wednesday, March 23. The support group, which is to be held at the hospital every second month, will feature a variety of interesting and relevant cardiac topics. Everyone with an interest in cardiac well-being is welcome to attend. The support group will take place from 17h00 to 18h00.
The guest speaker on March 23 will be dietician Jennifer Eburne, who will discuss the importance of nutrition in the prevention of heart disease. A cooking demonstration illustrating the preparation of a healthy meal will be given by the hospital’s catering company, Royal Sechaba. Guests are invited to wear something red to promote health awareness and there will be lucky draws with prizes to be won.
Mended Hearts aims to give educational support and advice to survivors and their families. The HSFSA, in collaboration with Life Healthcare in KZN, will assist members through the recovery process by inviting speakers to forthcoming support groups meetings such as: cardiologists, occupational therapists, neurologists and dieticians. Topics will include: stroke prevention and recovery; managing high blood pressure and cholesterol; Learning CPR and how to handle medical emergencies; stress management; and living with diabetes.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa aims to create awareness of cardiovascular disease and make it known to the public that cardiovascular disease is a lifestyle disease which can affect people of all ages and backgrounds.
The support group is free of charge and everyone welcome. if you would like to book a seat or obtain more information, please contact Sr Rita Naidoo, unit manager of cardiac rehabilitation at Life Westville Hospital on (031) 251 6870 or (031) 251 6869 during office hours.
Issued by: Leanne Nyiri, Regional Marketing Manager: Life Healthcare KZN Region
Tel: (031) 313 7902 or email: leanne.nyiri@lifehealthcare.co.za
Monday, February 7, 2011
PRESENT:Leanne Nyiri (Life Care Hospitals)Dana Govender (Heart & Stroke Foundation)Dan Laban (Natal Bypass Club)Shane Newman (Natal Bypass Club)
1. PURPOSE OF MEETINGThe purpose of the meeting was to agree on the way forward wrt the action plans for 2011.
3. PLAN OF ACTIONLeanne mentioned that there would be a Mended Hearts Group (MHG) meeting organized by Westville and Entabeni hospitals and would be on an alternative monthly basis and any member of the Natal Bypass Club (NBC) could attend any of the meetings the please to.The theme for 2011 would be health & cardiac lifestyle.The 1st meeting which would be held at Entabeni Hospital in the conference room would be at 14:30 on Valentines Day, the 14th of February 2011.As there would be 5 meetings to be scheduled by the Entabeni Mended Hearts, the 5 themes would be :i - Cardiac Disease - Bernie Mothilal - Feb 2011ii - Lifestyle Management - Dana Govender – 14 Apr 2011iii - Cardiac Interventions - Bernie Mothilal – 23 Jun 2011iv - Cardiac Surgery - Bernie Mothilal – 25 Aug 2011v - Cardiac Disease in children - Dana Govender – 13 Oct 2011The dates, times and venues for the above 5 meetings will be addressed to the members of NBC by MHG (LifeCare hospitals). For the Westville Mended Hearts Group for the alternative months of Entabeni Mended Hearts different speakers, on the same topics mentioned above, will be undertaken & members will be advised accordingly. During the course of 2011 LifeCare hospitals will also be doing similar visitations with Mt Edgecomb & Chatsmed hospitals. MHG will also be holding workshops on Saturdays on dates & venues, to be advised, whereby members can have their BP, Cholesterol, BMI, etc all done free of charge.The Natal Bypass Club members need to note that there will be no subs payable to either the NBC or MHG for any of these meetings. However the NBC members will be invited twice a year for a gathering in the conference room at Entabeni hospital, around mid-year and then again for the NBC End of the Year luncheon, so as to maintain the fellowship of the club. At the mid-year get together a speaker will be invited to address the NBC members. It was felt that the fellowship of the members of NBC be maintained, in line with the history of the club.Various posters, flyers, hospital telephone voice systems will also advise on various information to the public and NBC members.The NBC members list would be sent by Shane to Leanne, so that further communications regarding meetings, etc would be sent to members.
4. GENERALPlease note that no meetings of these meetings would be distributed by the Natal Bypass Committee or Mended Hearts Group of any of the hospitals.You are however requested to go to the Life Care Hospitals Website & see any news of Mended Hearts - the website address is http://www.heartfoundation.co.za/heartcondition/support.htm & is done at a national level. Please note that the Mended Hearts Support Group website is alos a link on the Natal Bypass Club blog site.Please also remember to visit the Natal Bypass Club Blog at http://natalbypassclub.blogspot.com, which has been updated, with various cardiac news items, videos, previous minutes, etc, etc.Should you have any further queries on Mended Hearts you can contact Leanne Nyiri at the Entabeni Hospital (031 – 204 1300) or any of the respective members of the NMC committee.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Natal Bypass Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypassclub.blogspot.com/ to view.Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.zaDate : 06 February 2011
PRESENT:Leanne Nyiri (Life Care Hospitals)Dana Govender (Heart & Stroke Foundation)Dan Laban (Natal Bypass Club)Shane Newman (Natal Bypass Club)
1. PURPOSE OF MEETINGThe purpose of the meeting was to agree on the way forward wrt the action plans for 2011.
3. PLAN OF ACTIONLeanne mentioned that there would be a Mended Hearts Group (MHG) meeting organized by Westville and Entabeni hospitals and would be on an alternative monthly basis and any member of the Natal Bypass Club (NBC) could attend any of the meetings the please to.The theme for 2011 would be health & cardiac lifestyle.The 1st meeting which would be held at Entabeni Hospital in the conference room would be at 14:30 on Valentines Day, the 14th of February 2011.As there would be 5 meetings to be scheduled by the Entabeni Mended Hearts, the 5 themes would be :i - Cardiac Disease - Bernie Mothilal - Feb 2011ii - Lifestyle Management - Dana Govender – 14 Apr 2011iii - Cardiac Interventions - Bernie Mothilal – 23 Jun 2011iv - Cardiac Surgery - Bernie Mothilal – 25 Aug 2011v - Cardiac Disease in children - Dana Govender – 13 Oct 2011The dates, times and venues for the above 5 meetings will be addressed to the members of NBC by MHG (LifeCare hospitals). For the Westville Mended Hearts Group for the alternative months of Entabeni Mended Hearts different speakers, on the same topics mentioned above, will be undertaken & members will be advised accordingly. During the course of 2011 LifeCare hospitals will also be doing similar visitations with Mt Edgecomb & Chatsmed hospitals. MHG will also be holding workshops on Saturdays on dates & venues, to be advised, whereby members can have their BP, Cholesterol, BMI, etc all done free of charge.The Natal Bypass Club members need to note that there will be no subs payable to either the NBC or MHG for any of these meetings. However the NBC members will be invited twice a year for a gathering in the conference room at Entabeni hospital, around mid-year and then again for the NBC End of the Year luncheon, so as to maintain the fellowship of the club. At the mid-year get together a speaker will be invited to address the NBC members. It was felt that the fellowship of the members of NBC be maintained, in line with the history of the club.Various posters, flyers, hospital telephone voice systems will also advise on various information to the public and NBC members.The NBC members list would be sent by Shane to Leanne, so that further communications regarding meetings, etc would be sent to members.
4. GENERALPlease note that no meetings of these meetings would be distributed by the Natal Bypass Committee or Mended Hearts Group of any of the hospitals.You are however requested to go to the Life Care Hospitals Website & see any news of Mended Hearts - the website address is http://www.heartfoundation.co.za/heartcondition/support.htm & is done at a national level. Please note that the Mended Hearts Support Group website is alos a link on the Natal Bypass Club blog site.Please also remember to visit the Natal Bypass Club Blog at http://natalbypassclub.blogspot.com, which has been updated, with various cardiac news items, videos, previous minutes, etc, etc.Should you have any further queries on Mended Hearts you can contact Leanne Nyiri at the Entabeni Hospital (031 – 204 1300) or any of the respective members of the NMC committee.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Natal Bypass Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypassclub.blogspot.com/ to view.Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.zaDate : 06 February 2011
General Press Release Launch of First Mended Hearts Support Group in KZN
General Press Release
Launch of First Mended Hearts Support Group in KZN
A Mended Hearts Support Group – the first of its kind in KZN - is to be launched at Life Entabeni Hospital to coincide with Valentine’s Day and the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s `Dress Red Day’ and ‘I Love This’ Campaign*.
The support group will take place in the hospital’s conference room on Monday, February 14 from 14h30 to 16h00 and the subject will be `cardiovascular disease’ presented by Dr Cassim Hansa, a cardiologist from Life Entabeni Hospital. Everyone with an interest in cardiac well-being is invited to attend.
The Mended Hearts Support Group was established by the Heart and Stroke Foundation SA (HSFSA) in 2006 with the goal to provide a meeting place for people, and their family members or friends, who have experienced a cardiovascular event.
Mended Hearts aims to give educational support and advice to survivors, in an effort to prevent a second event from occurring. The HSFSA, in collaboration with Life Healthcare in KZN, will assist members through the recovery process by inviting speakers, ranging from cardiologists, occupational therapists, neurologists and dieticians, to present on relevant health topics such as stroke prevention and recovery; managing high blood pressure and cholesterol; Learning CPR and how to handle medical emergencies; stress management; living with diabetes; shopping and cooking the heart healthy way.
Hundreds of people in the Cape Town area have already benefited from this support group, and plans are in progress to increase the Mended Hearts footprint in KwaZulu-Natal and nationally in order to assist more individuals. The HSFSA aims to create awareness of cardiovascular disease and make it known to the public that cardiovascular disease is a lifestyle disease which can affect people of all ages and backgrounds.
The support group is free of charge and if you would like to book a seat or obtain more information, please contact Dana Govender from the Heart and Stroke Foundation in Durban on (031) 261 9055.
- ends -
Issued by: Leanne Nyiri, Regional Marketing Manager: Life Healthcare KZN Region
Tel: (031) 313 7902 or email: leanne.nyiri@lifehealthcare.co.za
*The Heart and Stroke Foundation SA’s `I Love This’ 2011 campaign is the Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa’s (HSFSA) annual national fundraising and awareness campaign running throughout the month of March. The HSFSA is dependent on businesses and the public for funding to enable the Foundation’s vital work in saving lives, supporting those affected by heart disease and stroke (South Africa’s second biggest killers after HIV / AIDS) and help create a healthy future for everyone. This Valentine’s Day do something different by purchasing an “I love this” sticker for R5.00 (from all Life Healthcare Hospitals in KZN). The stickers are available from Clicks from 1-31 March. Stick it on that which you love! By doing this you are showing all of South Africa what you value and protect in the same way that you value and protect your heart.
Launch of First Mended Hearts Support Group in KZN
A Mended Hearts Support Group – the first of its kind in KZN - is to be launched at Life Entabeni Hospital to coincide with Valentine’s Day and the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s `Dress Red Day’ and ‘I Love This’ Campaign*.
The support group will take place in the hospital’s conference room on Monday, February 14 from 14h30 to 16h00 and the subject will be `cardiovascular disease’ presented by Dr Cassim Hansa, a cardiologist from Life Entabeni Hospital. Everyone with an interest in cardiac well-being is invited to attend.
The Mended Hearts Support Group was established by the Heart and Stroke Foundation SA (HSFSA) in 2006 with the goal to provide a meeting place for people, and their family members or friends, who have experienced a cardiovascular event.
Mended Hearts aims to give educational support and advice to survivors, in an effort to prevent a second event from occurring. The HSFSA, in collaboration with Life Healthcare in KZN, will assist members through the recovery process by inviting speakers, ranging from cardiologists, occupational therapists, neurologists and dieticians, to present on relevant health topics such as stroke prevention and recovery; managing high blood pressure and cholesterol; Learning CPR and how to handle medical emergencies; stress management; living with diabetes; shopping and cooking the heart healthy way.
Hundreds of people in the Cape Town area have already benefited from this support group, and plans are in progress to increase the Mended Hearts footprint in KwaZulu-Natal and nationally in order to assist more individuals. The HSFSA aims to create awareness of cardiovascular disease and make it known to the public that cardiovascular disease is a lifestyle disease which can affect people of all ages and backgrounds.
The support group is free of charge and if you would like to book a seat or obtain more information, please contact Dana Govender from the Heart and Stroke Foundation in Durban on (031) 261 9055.
- ends -
Issued by: Leanne Nyiri, Regional Marketing Manager: Life Healthcare KZN Region
Tel: (031) 313 7902 or email: leanne.nyiri@lifehealthcare.co.za
*The Heart and Stroke Foundation SA’s `I Love This’ 2011 campaign is the Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa’s (HSFSA) annual national fundraising and awareness campaign running throughout the month of March. The HSFSA is dependent on businesses and the public for funding to enable the Foundation’s vital work in saving lives, supporting those affected by heart disease and stroke (South Africa’s second biggest killers after HIV / AIDS) and help create a healthy future for everyone. This Valentine’s Day do something different by purchasing an “I love this” sticker for R5.00 (from all Life Healthcare Hospitals in KZN). The stickers are available from Clicks from 1-31 March. Stick it on that which you love! By doing this you are showing all of South Africa what you value and protect in the same way that you value and protect your heart.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Natal Bypass & Mended Hearts Action meeting
at 15:00
Leanne Nyiri (Life Care Hospitals)
Dana Govender (Heart & Stroke Foundation)
Dan Laban (Natal Bypass Club)
Shane Newman (Natal Bypass Club)
The purpose of the meeting was to agree on the way forward wrt the action plans for 2011.
Leanne mentioned that there would be a Mended Hearts Group (MHG) meeting organized by Westville and Entabeni hospitals and would be on an alternative monthly basis and any member of the Natal Bypass Club (NBC) could attend any of the meetings the please to.
The theme for 2011 would be health & cardiac lifestyle.
The 1st meeting which would be held at Entabeni Hospital in the conference room would be at 14:30 on Valentines Day, the 14th of February 2011.
As there would be 5 meetings to be scheduled by the Entabeni Mended Hearts, the 5 themes would be :
i - Cardiac Disease - Bernie Mothilal - Feb 2011
ii - Lifestyle Management - Dana Govender - Apr 2011
iii - Cardiac Interventions - Bernie Mothilal - Jun 2011
iv - Cardiac Surgery - Bernie Mothilal - Aug 2011
v - Cardiac Disease in children - Dana Govender - Oct 2011
The dates, times and venues for the above 5 meetings will be addressed to the members of NBC by MHG (LifeCare hospitals). For the Westville Mended Hearts Group for the alternative months of Entabeni Mended Hearts different speakers, on the same topics mentioned above, will be undertaken & members will be advised accordingly.
During the course of 2011 LifeCare hospitals will also be doing similar visitations with Mt Edgecomb & Chatsmed hospitals. MHG will also be holding workshops on Saturdays on dates & venues, to be advised, whereby members can have their BP, Cholesterol, BMI, etc all done free of charge.
The Natal Bypass Club members need to note that there will be no subs payable to either the NBC or MHG for any of these meetings. However the NBC members will be invited twice a year for a gathering in the conference room at Entabeni hospital, around mid-year and then again for the NBC End of the Year luncheon, so as to maintain the fellowship of the club. At the mid-year get together a speaker will be invited to address the NBC members. It was felt that the fellowship of the members of NBC be maintained, in line with the history of the club.
Various posters, flyers, hospital telephone voice systems will also advise on various information to the public and NBC members.
The NBC members list would be sent by Shane to Leanne, so that further communications regarding meetings, etc would be sent to members.
Please note that no meetings of these meetings would be distributed by the Natal Bypass Committee or Mended Hearts Group of any of the hospitals.
You are however requested to go to the Life Care Hospitals Website & see any news of Mended Hearts - the website address is http://www.heartfoundation.co.za/heartcondition/support.htm & is done at a national level. Please note that the Mended Hearts Support Group website is alos a link on the Natal Bypass Club blog site.
Please also remember to visit the Natal Bypass Club Blog at http://natalbypassclub.blogspot.com, which has been updated, with various cardiac news items, videos, previous minutes, etc, etc.
Should you have any further queries on Mended Hearts you can contact Leanne Nyiri at the Entabeni Hospital (031 – 204 1300) or any of the respective members of the NMC committee.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Natal Bypass Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypassclub.blogspot.com/ to view.
Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.za
Date : 06 February 2011
at 15:00
Leanne Nyiri (Life Care Hospitals)
Dana Govender (Heart & Stroke Foundation)
Dan Laban (Natal Bypass Club)
Shane Newman (Natal Bypass Club)
The purpose of the meeting was to agree on the way forward wrt the action plans for 2011.
Leanne mentioned that there would be a Mended Hearts Group (MHG) meeting organized by Westville and Entabeni hospitals and would be on an alternative monthly basis and any member of the Natal Bypass Club (NBC) could attend any of the meetings the please to.
The theme for 2011 would be health & cardiac lifestyle.
The 1st meeting which would be held at Entabeni Hospital in the conference room would be at 14:30 on Valentines Day, the 14th of February 2011.
As there would be 5 meetings to be scheduled by the Entabeni Mended Hearts, the 5 themes would be :
i - Cardiac Disease - Bernie Mothilal - Feb 2011
ii - Lifestyle Management - Dana Govender - Apr 2011
iii - Cardiac Interventions - Bernie Mothilal - Jun 2011
iv - Cardiac Surgery - Bernie Mothilal - Aug 2011
v - Cardiac Disease in children - Dana Govender - Oct 2011
The dates, times and venues for the above 5 meetings will be addressed to the members of NBC by MHG (LifeCare hospitals). For the Westville Mended Hearts Group for the alternative months of Entabeni Mended Hearts different speakers, on the same topics mentioned above, will be undertaken & members will be advised accordingly.
During the course of 2011 LifeCare hospitals will also be doing similar visitations with Mt Edgecomb & Chatsmed hospitals. MHG will also be holding workshops on Saturdays on dates & venues, to be advised, whereby members can have their BP, Cholesterol, BMI, etc all done free of charge.
The Natal Bypass Club members need to note that there will be no subs payable to either the NBC or MHG for any of these meetings. However the NBC members will be invited twice a year for a gathering in the conference room at Entabeni hospital, around mid-year and then again for the NBC End of the Year luncheon, so as to maintain the fellowship of the club. At the mid-year get together a speaker will be invited to address the NBC members. It was felt that the fellowship of the members of NBC be maintained, in line with the history of the club.
Various posters, flyers, hospital telephone voice systems will also advise on various information to the public and NBC members.
The NBC members list would be sent by Shane to Leanne, so that further communications regarding meetings, etc would be sent to members.
Please note that no meetings of these meetings would be distributed by the Natal Bypass Committee or Mended Hearts Group of any of the hospitals.
You are however requested to go to the Life Care Hospitals Website & see any news of Mended Hearts - the website address is http://www.heartfoundation.co.za/heartcondition/support.htm & is done at a national level. Please note that the Mended Hearts Support Group website is alos a link on the Natal Bypass Club blog site.
Please also remember to visit the Natal Bypass Club Blog at http://natalbypassclub.blogspot.com, which has been updated, with various cardiac news items, videos, previous minutes, etc, etc.
Should you have any further queries on Mended Hearts you can contact Leanne Nyiri at the Entabeni Hospital (031 – 204 1300) or any of the respective members of the NMC committee.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Natal Bypass Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypassclub.blogspot.com/ to view.
Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.za
Date : 06 February 2011
Minutes October 2010
at 17:30
Shane Newman (Chairman)
As per attendance register - 28 names recorded
The chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed everybody.
The following people had tendered their apologies:
Tony & Barbara Thomas, Fiona & Enid Phillips, Neville & Cissy Farr, Athol Webster, Nathan & Shirley Klein, Pat & Ron Masters
There was one new visitor.
Ms Rose introduced herself and mentioned that she had picked up a virus 5 years ago, which had caused heart failure & she had undergone a heart transplant. She is leading a normal life & has learnt to listen to body & therefore her health comes first. She stated that she had had one bad patch but otherwise she is well. It was encouraging to hear Rose speak & a good reminder to many of the members of the Club, just how thankful we are & will continue to be, to so many people around us. We wish Rose good health. My apologies for not having Rose’s surname, but she did not sign the register or sign up as a member (Ed).
The following items were brought to the attention of all present :
• 2010 End of the Year Function.
o The End of the Year function was to be held at the Blue Waters hotel on the Durban Promenade on Sunday the 28th of November 2010, 12:00 for 12:30.
o The costs would be R129 per non-member and paid up members would pay R65 and receive a 50% reduction, which will be borne by the club.
o The monies can be paid into the account of the Natal Bypass Club, Standard Bank, Acc.No. 257360549, Branch Durban North 042826 and monies must be paid before 19 November 2010.
The raffle, was won by Thelma Hall.
Leanne Nyiri (Marketing Manager Life Care Hospitals), Dana Govender (Heart & Stroke Foundation) & Bernie Mothilal (Client Services Advisor- Live Care Entabeni)
The Chairman had been approached by HSF (Dana) about the possible joining of “forces” of Life Care Hospitals & HSF & the members of the existing Natal Bypass Club, to a form a group known as “Mended Hearts”. Mended Hearts were groups of heart & bypass patients, which had been formed in different regions around SA and were run in conjunction with Life Care & HSF & due to their expertise, knowledge & availability of specialists, doctors, nurses from various departments, the above ladies were asked to address the club of the pros & cons of Mended Hearts. There had been various arguments for and against this “merger”, by members of the Natal Bypass Club, but the main point of concern, which had been raised by the current chairman, was that the club was not growing, as no visitations were being made to any hospitals by any members & it was not always possible to call on guest speakers.
Shane introduced the ladies, who were asked that present & answer any questions.
The members of the Bypass Club listened to what both parties had to say, asked various questions and it was decided that 3 items be voted on – 1 whether members agreed that there be this “merger” (all were in favor) – 2 how often the member would meet – this was also voted on & agreed that it would be every second month, the first meeting being on 14 February 2011, of which members would be advised accordingly by “Mended Hearts – KZN” and 3, what time the meeting was to be held & this vote was that it be between 14:00 and 16:00.
The monies that were in the Natal Bypass Club, would remain in the club account and a final balance, after all expenses had been paid for the End of the Year function, would be signed off by the Chairman, the Treasurer & Administration at the next committee meeting, which would be in January 2011 (date & venue to be advised). The balance of the monies in the bank account, would remain untouched, until a decision is or has to be made by members of the existing Natal Bypass Club, as at the date of this meeting, together with the committee members (existing & new), as detailed hereunder.
In the interests of the Natal Bypass Club members, it was decided by vote that the following members would be present at any meeting in the future of the “Mended Hearts” - the members would be Brain Moore, Shirley Piek, Shirley Willet, Colin Hall, Dan Laban & Shane Newman.
The next meeting would be held by the “Mended Hearts” group on the 14th of February 2011 – venue & times to be advised by Life Care Hospitals & HSF, through e-mail & postal. It was promised that as this meeting was going to be on Valentines Day, this function would be special.
Should you have any further queries on Mended Hearts you can contact Leanne Nyiri at the Entabeni Hospital (031 – 204 1300).
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypass.blogspot.com/ to view.
Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.za
Chairman – Natal Bypass Club
Date : 27 October 2010
at 17:30
Shane Newman (Chairman)
As per attendance register - 28 names recorded
The chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed everybody.
The following people had tendered their apologies:
Tony & Barbara Thomas, Fiona & Enid Phillips, Neville & Cissy Farr, Athol Webster, Nathan & Shirley Klein, Pat & Ron Masters
There was one new visitor.
Ms Rose introduced herself and mentioned that she had picked up a virus 5 years ago, which had caused heart failure & she had undergone a heart transplant. She is leading a normal life & has learnt to listen to body & therefore her health comes first. She stated that she had had one bad patch but otherwise she is well. It was encouraging to hear Rose speak & a good reminder to many of the members of the Club, just how thankful we are & will continue to be, to so many people around us. We wish Rose good health. My apologies for not having Rose’s surname, but she did not sign the register or sign up as a member (Ed).
The following items were brought to the attention of all present :
• 2010 End of the Year Function.
o The End of the Year function was to be held at the Blue Waters hotel on the Durban Promenade on Sunday the 28th of November 2010, 12:00 for 12:30.
o The costs would be R129 per non-member and paid up members would pay R65 and receive a 50% reduction, which will be borne by the club.
o The monies can be paid into the account of the Natal Bypass Club, Standard Bank, Acc.No. 257360549, Branch Durban North 042826 and monies must be paid before 19 November 2010.
The raffle, was won by Thelma Hall.
Leanne Nyiri (Marketing Manager Life Care Hospitals), Dana Govender (Heart & Stroke Foundation) & Bernie Mothilal (Client Services Advisor- Live Care Entabeni)
The Chairman had been approached by HSF (Dana) about the possible joining of “forces” of Life Care Hospitals & HSF & the members of the existing Natal Bypass Club, to a form a group known as “Mended Hearts”. Mended Hearts were groups of heart & bypass patients, which had been formed in different regions around SA and were run in conjunction with Life Care & HSF & due to their expertise, knowledge & availability of specialists, doctors, nurses from various departments, the above ladies were asked to address the club of the pros & cons of Mended Hearts. There had been various arguments for and against this “merger”, by members of the Natal Bypass Club, but the main point of concern, which had been raised by the current chairman, was that the club was not growing, as no visitations were being made to any hospitals by any members & it was not always possible to call on guest speakers.
Shane introduced the ladies, who were asked that present & answer any questions.
The members of the Bypass Club listened to what both parties had to say, asked various questions and it was decided that 3 items be voted on – 1 whether members agreed that there be this “merger” (all were in favor) – 2 how often the member would meet – this was also voted on & agreed that it would be every second month, the first meeting being on 14 February 2011, of which members would be advised accordingly by “Mended Hearts – KZN” and 3, what time the meeting was to be held & this vote was that it be between 14:00 and 16:00.
The monies that were in the Natal Bypass Club, would remain in the club account and a final balance, after all expenses had been paid for the End of the Year function, would be signed off by the Chairman, the Treasurer & Administration at the next committee meeting, which would be in January 2011 (date & venue to be advised). The balance of the monies in the bank account, would remain untouched, until a decision is or has to be made by members of the existing Natal Bypass Club, as at the date of this meeting, together with the committee members (existing & new), as detailed hereunder.
In the interests of the Natal Bypass Club members, it was decided by vote that the following members would be present at any meeting in the future of the “Mended Hearts” - the members would be Brain Moore, Shirley Piek, Shirley Willet, Colin Hall, Dan Laban & Shane Newman.
The next meeting would be held by the “Mended Hearts” group on the 14th of February 2011 – venue & times to be advised by Life Care Hospitals & HSF, through e-mail & postal. It was promised that as this meeting was going to be on Valentines Day, this function would be special.
Should you have any further queries on Mended Hearts you can contact Leanne Nyiri at the Entabeni Hospital (031 – 204 1300).
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypass.blogspot.com/ to view.
Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.za
Chairman – Natal Bypass Club
Date : 27 October 2010
Minutes August 2010
at 17:30
Shane Newman (Chairman)
As per attendance register - 19 names recorded
The chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed everybody.
The following people had tendered their apologies:
Dave Parry, Fiona & Enid Phillips, Ken & Pat Howell, Tony & Barbara Thomas, Pieter Dieghton, Cissy & Neville Farr, George Barns, Tony Human, DeLise Weare & Tony & Lyn Matthysen
There was one new visitor.
Ms Greta Filer introduced herself and mentioned that she had felt rather dizzy while playing table tennis – after her cardiologist examined her she underwent angioplasty of 1 stent. She mentioned that she had had a stent inserted some years ago.
The following items were brought to the attention of all present :
• Finance & Administration
o Resignations from club :
• Cyril Edwards, Dulcie & Cecil Norton, Beryl & Pat Draper.
• 2009 End of the Year Function.
o Due to price increase of DCC & signing in of cars, etc it was decided that an alternative be booked - to be further discussed in October.
• Life Care Hospitals/Heart & Stroke Foundation (Mended Hearts)
o HSF had contacted Shane re possible merger/take-over by Life Care Hospitals & Heart & Stroke Foundation - presentation to be made, with Q&A at October 2010 club meeting.
The raffle, was won by Greta Filer.
Mr John Cave - Food Scientist
John was introduced & he provided a brief CV.
What was important from a dietary point were the following points : an Apple a day (Vitamen K), Vit C, onions for immune system, broccoli for skin problems, cabbage for high nutrition value, carrots & sweet potatoes (Vit A), not to use sun block or in moderation, as a body requires Vit D, figs are high in alkalinity (body can fight cancer better)
A lot of the information that John shared with the members was on what to eat, it's nutriunal value & what not to eat.
Everybody is different & we all need different food & nutrients.
John manufactures his own Lecithin, which he sells, which you can use over your cereal & is soluble - dosage 1 teaspoon/day. You can contact John on 031-2667959 should you have require Lecithin or have any questions. One needs to use Lecithin slowly in the beginning or you could dislodge a "blockage" & cause further problems, instead of dissolving a clot.
Some of the benefits of the Lecithin - weight loss, food for brain, helps with gall stones & kidney problems, prevents vascular disease & degeneration of arterial disease, helps improve the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents cholesterol, greater general health.
The next meeting would be on Wednesday the 6th of October 2010 at the Conference suite at the Entabeni Hospital at 17:00 for 17:30. Please attend as a decision will be made wrt item 4 re merger/take-over of the club.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypass.blogspot.com/ to view.
Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.za
Chairman – Natal Bypass Club
Date : 22 September 2010
at 17:30
Shane Newman (Chairman)
As per attendance register - 19 names recorded
The chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed everybody.
The following people had tendered their apologies:
Dave Parry, Fiona & Enid Phillips, Ken & Pat Howell, Tony & Barbara Thomas, Pieter Dieghton, Cissy & Neville Farr, George Barns, Tony Human, DeLise Weare & Tony & Lyn Matthysen
There was one new visitor.
Ms Greta Filer introduced herself and mentioned that she had felt rather dizzy while playing table tennis – after her cardiologist examined her she underwent angioplasty of 1 stent. She mentioned that she had had a stent inserted some years ago.
The following items were brought to the attention of all present :
• Finance & Administration
o Resignations from club :
• Cyril Edwards, Dulcie & Cecil Norton, Beryl & Pat Draper.
• 2009 End of the Year Function.
o Due to price increase of DCC & signing in of cars, etc it was decided that an alternative be booked - to be further discussed in October.
• Life Care Hospitals/Heart & Stroke Foundation (Mended Hearts)
o HSF had contacted Shane re possible merger/take-over by Life Care Hospitals & Heart & Stroke Foundation - presentation to be made, with Q&A at October 2010 club meeting.
The raffle, was won by Greta Filer.
Mr John Cave - Food Scientist
John was introduced & he provided a brief CV.
What was important from a dietary point were the following points : an Apple a day (Vitamen K), Vit C, onions for immune system, broccoli for skin problems, cabbage for high nutrition value, carrots & sweet potatoes (Vit A), not to use sun block or in moderation, as a body requires Vit D, figs are high in alkalinity (body can fight cancer better)
A lot of the information that John shared with the members was on what to eat, it's nutriunal value & what not to eat.
Everybody is different & we all need different food & nutrients.
John manufactures his own Lecithin, which he sells, which you can use over your cereal & is soluble - dosage 1 teaspoon/day. You can contact John on 031-2667959 should you have require Lecithin or have any questions. One needs to use Lecithin slowly in the beginning or you could dislodge a "blockage" & cause further problems, instead of dissolving a clot.
Some of the benefits of the Lecithin - weight loss, food for brain, helps with gall stones & kidney problems, prevents vascular disease & degeneration of arterial disease, helps improve the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents cholesterol, greater general health.
The next meeting would be on Wednesday the 6th of October 2010 at the Conference suite at the Entabeni Hospital at 17:00 for 17:30. Please attend as a decision will be made wrt item 4 re merger/take-over of the club.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypass.blogspot.com/ to view.
Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.za
Chairman – Natal Bypass Club
Date : 22 September 2010
Minutes June 2010
at 17:30
Shane Newman (Chairman)
As per attendance register - 21 names recorded
The chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed everybody. Shane apologized that every effort had been made to get a guest speaker for the evening, but had been unsuccessful.
The following people had tendered their apologies:
Ken Monckton, Dave Parry, Ive Singh, Harold Malan, Pat & Ron Masters, Margaret & Ian Smith, Elred & Denise Engelsman, Brian & Janet Moore, Athol Willet, Jennifer McInnes, Denise Davids & Muriel Adams
There were no new visitors present.
The following items were brought to the attention of all present :
• Finance & Administration
o Treasurer’s report –
Subs for 2010 (to remain at R40) to be paid to Shirley asap
Natal Bypass Club banking details – Account Name – Natal Bypass club, Standard Bank of SA, Branch code 042826, Account number 257360549
o Administration report –
There had only been 30 people who had paid their 2010 subs, which was disappointing.
• Impilo drugs – George Barnes was not in attendance, but Shane informed that once there were further developments, the club would be informed, accordingly.
• 2009 End of the Year Function – the photos of everybody enjoying themselves at last years luncheon was shown to all.
The raffle, was once again won by Sissy Farr.
As an alternative to a guest speaker Shane had brought video tapes from the British Heart Foundation to be played, but technology got the better of the evening and they could not be shown.
As there was no guest speaker, time was given to the floor for any discussion.
Shirley Piek spoke on the benefits of healthy eating and Les Veckranges spoke on his experience of the side effects of using a Thrombolytic drugs (“clotbusters”), like Plavix. Many thanks to these two members for coming forward to speak those present.
After the closing of the meeting, there were a few members who took the time to socialize with one another, and from comments received the evening was a success, with no guest speaker.
Once again, my apologies that no speaker was available to address the club.
The next meeting would be on Wednesday the 4th of August 2010 at the Conference suite at the Entabeni Hospital at 17:00 for 17:30.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypass.blogspot.com/ to view.
Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.za
Chairman – Natal Bypass Club
Date : 21 July 2010
at 17:30
Shane Newman (Chairman)
As per attendance register - 21 names recorded
The chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed everybody. Shane apologized that every effort had been made to get a guest speaker for the evening, but had been unsuccessful.
The following people had tendered their apologies:
Ken Monckton, Dave Parry, Ive Singh, Harold Malan, Pat & Ron Masters, Margaret & Ian Smith, Elred & Denise Engelsman, Brian & Janet Moore, Athol Willet, Jennifer McInnes, Denise Davids & Muriel Adams
There were no new visitors present.
The following items were brought to the attention of all present :
• Finance & Administration
o Treasurer’s report –
Subs for 2010 (to remain at R40) to be paid to Shirley asap
Natal Bypass Club banking details – Account Name – Natal Bypass club, Standard Bank of SA, Branch code 042826, Account number 257360549
o Administration report –
There had only been 30 people who had paid their 2010 subs, which was disappointing.
• Impilo drugs – George Barnes was not in attendance, but Shane informed that once there were further developments, the club would be informed, accordingly.
• 2009 End of the Year Function – the photos of everybody enjoying themselves at last years luncheon was shown to all.
The raffle, was once again won by Sissy Farr.
As an alternative to a guest speaker Shane had brought video tapes from the British Heart Foundation to be played, but technology got the better of the evening and they could not be shown.
As there was no guest speaker, time was given to the floor for any discussion.
Shirley Piek spoke on the benefits of healthy eating and Les Veckranges spoke on his experience of the side effects of using a Thrombolytic drugs (“clotbusters”), like Plavix. Many thanks to these two members for coming forward to speak those present.
After the closing of the meeting, there were a few members who took the time to socialize with one another, and from comments received the evening was a success, with no guest speaker.
Once again, my apologies that no speaker was available to address the club.
The next meeting would be on Wednesday the 4th of August 2010 at the Conference suite at the Entabeni Hospital at 17:00 for 17:30.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - http://natalbypass.blogspot.com/ to view.
Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or shane.newman@absamail.co.za
Chairman – Natal Bypass Club
Date : 21 July 2010
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