Tel: 031 204 5633 9 Marigold Place
Fax: 086 502 9883 Moseley Park
Email: Pinetown, 3615
DATE: Wednesday 5th of August 2009
TIME: 5.00 p.m. for 5.30 p.m.
VENUE: Entabeni Conference Room
PARKING: In grounds (car guards)
REFRESHMENTS: Available at no charge from 17:00
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Testimonies from First Timers
4. Visitation Reports:
a. St Augustines
b. Westville
c. Entabeni
d. St Annes
e. Ethekweni
5. General
6. Raffle Draw
7. Guest Speaker
o Organ Donor Foundation – Sister Vanessa Wentink
Yours sincerely,
Shane Newman
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Minutes - Jun 09
PRESENT:Shane Newman (Chairman) Shirley Piek (Treasurer)Shirley Willet (Secretary)As per attendance register - 32 names recorded
1. OPENING AND WELCOMEThe chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed everybody, especially the newcomers & the speaker Ms Leanne Nyiri from Life Care Hospitals.
2. APOLOGIES: The following people had tendered their apologies:Athol & Cheryl Webster, Jeannette Whitehorn, Dennis Metcalfe, Dave Parry, AJ Kara, Gerd Ackerman, Hilton Diel, Tony Schultz, George Barns & Elaine Miller.
3. TESTIMONIES FROM NEW VISITORS· Brent McKeon – Brent (67 years) said that he had been taking a short walk & felt like he was in a cross fire of bullets. His heart rate was regarded as normal, after having a “Stress Test” and the results were not conclusive. After a ECG, Brent under went a 3 x CABG, has recovered well & is doing as much walking as he can. · Aldred Engelsman – Alred found himself short of breath for some time, but thought nothing of it. He suffered a mild heart attack & underwent a 3 x CABG. He has recovered well, after having water on his lungs.We welcome & wish both gentlemen good health.
4. GENERALThe following items were brought to the attention of all present :· Financeo Treasurer’s report – § Shirley Piek advised that the finances were still stable§ Subs for 2009 to be please be paid to Shirley asapv Natal Bypass Club banking details – Account Name – Natal Bypass club, Standard Bank of SA, Branch code 042826, Account number 257360549v Based on the subs paid for 2009, only 57 of the recorded 167 members had paid their subs. If you wish to remain a member of the Natal Bypass Club, please could you endeavor to pay your 2010 subs, as only paying members will receive the minutes & agenda next year. If any existing member wishes to discuss this with the chairman or any committee members, please feel free to do so, as the club would prefer to keep contact with you.· Heart Foundation books – the chairman still had spare copies available at a donation of R10 each· JRCCBrect Trading CC – Mr Ronald Naidoo kindly donated tins of Sardines to the members of the club & each member was given 2 tins. Many thanks Ronald for your generosity & thoughtfulness.
5. VISITATION REPORTS5.1. EntabeniStan Weinstein advised that all is going well with the visitations, when time permits.5.2. St AugustinesAs above.5.3. WestvilleShane said that he had dropped off some call cards with the cardiac section , as it was not always opsiible to visit & suggested that others drop off application cards.5.4. St AnnesNo report.5.5. Ethekweni Health & Heart Centre (EHHC)Jim & Maria Brown were advised on a suggested alternative means to visitations.
6. RAFFEL DRAWThe raffle, was won by June Dale.
7. GUEST SPEAKERBypass Club GymDennis Graham said that a Bypass Club Gym had been formed some years back & over the years members had left for various reasons. Dennis explained that the exercises are free & are held at the Old Mutual Sports Hall in Francois Road, Durban on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 06:00 to 07:00 in the morning. The emphasis is on regular cardio exercise geared for members of the club, with usually 2 to 8 laps in the gym or car park, 5 mins on Statis Cycle or treadmill, 5 mins on rowing machine, etc.If you are interested in joining please contact Dennis Graham on 031 467 0133. It is strongly recommended that you consult your cardiologist before commencing this regular exercise.Please try and support this, if you live close to the sports hall & remember to enjoy it !Life Health Care HospitalsThe chairman introduced the Life Care Hospital Marketing Manager, Ms Leanne Nyiri & thanked her for taking the time to come & speak to the members.A presentation of Life Health Care hospitals was shown & the undermentioned are some facts & points of interest of Entabeni hospital & Life Care, which I’m sure you will agree, is impressive.· Life Health Care GroupCountry’s leading private hospital group,60 acute facilities throughout SAsupport of approximately 2 700 doctors and specialists More than 7500 beds1st SA healthcare group to achieve international quality ISO 9001Entabeni hospitalFounded by Alfred Cooper, Dr Aubrey Radford and Dr Walbrugh – medical officers, Railways and Harbours Sick Funds and Mr Whitehouse, Chairman of Sick Fund Board in 1929Zulu name `Entabeni’ - `place on the hill’Home of Mr Frank Stevens – 148 South Ridge Road – prominent Durban businessman `Boot & Shoe Shop’o 1st patients admitted on September 26, 1930In 2005 Afrox Healthcare Ltd (subsidiary of African Oxygen Ltd) sold Afrox Healthcare to BEE companies – name was changed to Life Healthcare7 facilities in KZN: Life Westville, Life The Crompton, Life Mount Edgecombe, Life Chatsmed, Life Empangeni Garden Clinic, Life Entabeni, Life Hillcrest Emergency Unito Entabeni has 294 Beds, 13 Theatres, Multidisciplinary hospital, Specialised Care Facilities (i.e. •Epilepsy monitoring unit,•Mental healthcare unit,•Renal dialysis unit & others), •14-bed ICU - major neuro, cardiac, orthopaedic and general surgery,•A cardiac catheterisation laboratory,•11-bed cardio-thoracic ICU - leading diagnostic and monitoring facilities for patients suffering from major medical conditions requiring cardiac physician intervention. o A•26-bed Life Rehabilitation unit - acute rehabilitation for patients disabled by traumatic brain injury, stroke, spinal cord injury and other disabling conditionsLevel 1, 24-hour trauma and emergency unit, with a dedicated helicopter landing pad. o Epilepsy monitoring unit, with 24 hour video EEG,•Lung centre for respiratory problems,•Radiology unit, with a comprehensive range of sophisticated diagnostic equipment, including a CT scanner, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner and a radio-isotope nuclear medicine laboratory,•Renal dialysis unit,•Orthopaedic digital theatre •Endoscopy suiteo Pathology laboratories,•Radiology Unit including x-rays, CT scanner, MRI scanner, nuclear medicine and sonar,Therapy and ancillary facilities and services,•Alzheimer support group,•Audiology,•Bereavement support groupo Bipolar support group,•Crèche for staff,•Diabetes support group,•Dietetics•Occupational therapy,•Orthotics,•Pharmacy,•Physiotherapy,•Speech therapy,•Coffee shop,•Heart Foundation KZNo Neurosurgical Ward – 5th Floor,•36 beds opening June 2009 – R16 million,•Durban harbour views,•Designed to provide the first private executive suite with internet access in the hospital with private lounge area and small kitchen facility,•3 private wards, 2 observation areas of 5 beds each,•Semi private wards each with own en suite,The hospital’s R36 million building project has also included an upgrade to the Theatre complex.o Cardiac Facility,•Upgrading existing cardiac facilities,•Fully functional 2nd Cath-lab and upgraded cardiac doctors suites,•Life Entabeni Hospital remains one of the top cardiac hospitals in Africa.Thank you Leanne for sharing with the members & we all wish Entabeni Hospital & Life Health Care, the very best in the future.
8. NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting would be on Wednesday the 7th of October 2009 at the Conference suite at the Entabeni Hospital at 17:00 for 17:30.Complimentary drinks and snacks will be available, to club members.Kindly note that the next meeting will be the Christmas & End of Year function at Durban Country Club on the 29th of November 2009.Please support your club.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - to view.Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or – Natal Bypass Club…………………………………………………………….. Date : …………………………..
PRESENT:Shane Newman (Chairman) Shirley Piek (Treasurer)Shirley Willet (Secretary)As per attendance register - 32 names recorded
1. OPENING AND WELCOMEThe chairman thanked everybody for their attendance & welcomed everybody, especially the newcomers & the speaker Ms Leanne Nyiri from Life Care Hospitals.
2. APOLOGIES: The following people had tendered their apologies:Athol & Cheryl Webster, Jeannette Whitehorn, Dennis Metcalfe, Dave Parry, AJ Kara, Gerd Ackerman, Hilton Diel, Tony Schultz, George Barns & Elaine Miller.
3. TESTIMONIES FROM NEW VISITORS· Brent McKeon – Brent (67 years) said that he had been taking a short walk & felt like he was in a cross fire of bullets. His heart rate was regarded as normal, after having a “Stress Test” and the results were not conclusive. After a ECG, Brent under went a 3 x CABG, has recovered well & is doing as much walking as he can. · Aldred Engelsman – Alred found himself short of breath for some time, but thought nothing of it. He suffered a mild heart attack & underwent a 3 x CABG. He has recovered well, after having water on his lungs.We welcome & wish both gentlemen good health.
4. GENERALThe following items were brought to the attention of all present :· Financeo Treasurer’s report – § Shirley Piek advised that the finances were still stable§ Subs for 2009 to be please be paid to Shirley asapv Natal Bypass Club banking details – Account Name – Natal Bypass club, Standard Bank of SA, Branch code 042826, Account number 257360549v Based on the subs paid for 2009, only 57 of the recorded 167 members had paid their subs. If you wish to remain a member of the Natal Bypass Club, please could you endeavor to pay your 2010 subs, as only paying members will receive the minutes & agenda next year. If any existing member wishes to discuss this with the chairman or any committee members, please feel free to do so, as the club would prefer to keep contact with you.· Heart Foundation books – the chairman still had spare copies available at a donation of R10 each· JRCCBrect Trading CC – Mr Ronald Naidoo kindly donated tins of Sardines to the members of the club & each member was given 2 tins. Many thanks Ronald for your generosity & thoughtfulness.
5. VISITATION REPORTS5.1. EntabeniStan Weinstein advised that all is going well with the visitations, when time permits.5.2. St AugustinesAs above.5.3. WestvilleShane said that he had dropped off some call cards with the cardiac section , as it was not always opsiible to visit & suggested that others drop off application cards.5.4. St AnnesNo report.5.5. Ethekweni Health & Heart Centre (EHHC)Jim & Maria Brown were advised on a suggested alternative means to visitations.
6. RAFFEL DRAWThe raffle, was won by June Dale.
7. GUEST SPEAKERBypass Club GymDennis Graham said that a Bypass Club Gym had been formed some years back & over the years members had left for various reasons. Dennis explained that the exercises are free & are held at the Old Mutual Sports Hall in Francois Road, Durban on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 06:00 to 07:00 in the morning. The emphasis is on regular cardio exercise geared for members of the club, with usually 2 to 8 laps in the gym or car park, 5 mins on Statis Cycle or treadmill, 5 mins on rowing machine, etc.If you are interested in joining please contact Dennis Graham on 031 467 0133. It is strongly recommended that you consult your cardiologist before commencing this regular exercise.Please try and support this, if you live close to the sports hall & remember to enjoy it !Life Health Care HospitalsThe chairman introduced the Life Care Hospital Marketing Manager, Ms Leanne Nyiri & thanked her for taking the time to come & speak to the members.A presentation of Life Health Care hospitals was shown & the undermentioned are some facts & points of interest of Entabeni hospital & Life Care, which I’m sure you will agree, is impressive.· Life Health Care GroupCountry’s leading private hospital group,60 acute facilities throughout SAsupport of approximately 2 700 doctors and specialists More than 7500 beds1st SA healthcare group to achieve international quality ISO 9001Entabeni hospitalFounded by Alfred Cooper, Dr Aubrey Radford and Dr Walbrugh – medical officers, Railways and Harbours Sick Funds and Mr Whitehouse, Chairman of Sick Fund Board in 1929Zulu name `Entabeni’ - `place on the hill’Home of Mr Frank Stevens – 148 South Ridge Road – prominent Durban businessman `Boot & Shoe Shop’o 1st patients admitted on September 26, 1930In 2005 Afrox Healthcare Ltd (subsidiary of African Oxygen Ltd) sold Afrox Healthcare to BEE companies – name was changed to Life Healthcare7 facilities in KZN: Life Westville, Life The Crompton, Life Mount Edgecombe, Life Chatsmed, Life Empangeni Garden Clinic, Life Entabeni, Life Hillcrest Emergency Unito Entabeni has 294 Beds, 13 Theatres, Multidisciplinary hospital, Specialised Care Facilities (i.e. •Epilepsy monitoring unit,•Mental healthcare unit,•Renal dialysis unit & others), •14-bed ICU - major neuro, cardiac, orthopaedic and general surgery,•A cardiac catheterisation laboratory,•11-bed cardio-thoracic ICU - leading diagnostic and monitoring facilities for patients suffering from major medical conditions requiring cardiac physician intervention. o A•26-bed Life Rehabilitation unit - acute rehabilitation for patients disabled by traumatic brain injury, stroke, spinal cord injury and other disabling conditionsLevel 1, 24-hour trauma and emergency unit, with a dedicated helicopter landing pad. o Epilepsy monitoring unit, with 24 hour video EEG,•Lung centre for respiratory problems,•Radiology unit, with a comprehensive range of sophisticated diagnostic equipment, including a CT scanner, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner and a radio-isotope nuclear medicine laboratory,•Renal dialysis unit,•Orthopaedic digital theatre •Endoscopy suiteo Pathology laboratories,•Radiology Unit including x-rays, CT scanner, MRI scanner, nuclear medicine and sonar,Therapy and ancillary facilities and services,•Alzheimer support group,•Audiology,•Bereavement support groupo Bipolar support group,•Crèche for staff,•Diabetes support group,•Dietetics•Occupational therapy,•Orthotics,•Pharmacy,•Physiotherapy,•Speech therapy,•Coffee shop,•Heart Foundation KZNo Neurosurgical Ward – 5th Floor,•36 beds opening June 2009 – R16 million,•Durban harbour views,•Designed to provide the first private executive suite with internet access in the hospital with private lounge area and small kitchen facility,•3 private wards, 2 observation areas of 5 beds each,•Semi private wards each with own en suite,The hospital’s R36 million building project has also included an upgrade to the Theatre complex.o Cardiac Facility,•Upgrading existing cardiac facilities,•Fully functional 2nd Cath-lab and upgraded cardiac doctors suites,•Life Entabeni Hospital remains one of the top cardiac hospitals in Africa.Thank you Leanne for sharing with the members & we all wish Entabeni Hospital & Life Health Care, the very best in the future.
8. NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting would be on Wednesday the 7th of October 2009 at the Conference suite at the Entabeni Hospital at 17:00 for 17:30.Complimentary drinks and snacks will be available, to club members.Kindly note that the next meeting will be the Christmas & End of Year function at Durban Country Club on the 29th of November 2009.Please support your club.
A copy of these minutes has been placed on the Clubs Blog site at - to view.Issued by Shane Newman – 084 510 8738 or 031 204 5633 (office hours) or – Natal Bypass Club…………………………………………………………….. Date : …………………………..
Please go to the Natal Byapss Club updated blog site at
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